Rassegna stampa/ Press review

in his ongoing project ‘dispatchwork‘ artist jan vormann uses LEGO bricks to repair damaged walls. he started by patching-up surfaces in bocchignano, italy and has since employed the technique on walls in tel aviv and berlin. vormann currently has a solo exhibition running at jarmuschek + partner in berlin-mitte, which ends june 13th.

Nothing attests to humans’ instinctual love of making stuff and taking it apart more than the Lego brick. The plastic toy has been featured in films and music videos and is the basis of some serious modern art projects — including Jan Vormann‘s ongoing “Dispatchwork” pieces in Berlin and Bocchignano, Italy. Vormann identifies damaged buildings and plugs the gaps with brightly colored Lego bricks.

Dispatchwork è un progetto di riqualificazione. Servono tenacia e tempo, i mattoncini colorati devono incastrarsi usando la migliore  combinazione, non va usata colla o cemento, ne si possono ingrandire, levigare, smussare le fenditure in cui andranno inseriti. In questo modo le installazioni non andranno a ledere l’edificio e potranno essere eventualmente  rimosse in qualsiasi momento.   
Il progetto sbarca finalmente in Liguria, nel centro storico di Genova, progetto destinato agli edifici abbandonati o deteriorati, una sfida alla riqualificazione per ridar vita ai centri urbani, salvaguardando ciò che di bello e prezioso siamo riusciti a conservare del nostro passato.​​​​​​​
Dispatchwork is a multiplayer game for virtually all public spaces worldwide. It is more than an intervention done by the hands of a single artist: Hundreds of enthusiasts are acting on broad daylight to rightfully claim their share of the public space.
Together we have infiltrated cultural heritage, facades and fortifications. From cottage to skyscrapers Dispatchwork hast sealed and healed fissures, completed the material compilation in urban construction and added people and color to the greyscales of the cityscapes.
PH. Wagner Mela

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